Strawberry Rose & Black Pepper Ice Cream

Strawberries scream summer. Stirred into a creamy custard with a hint of rose and tiny bite of pepper will become your favorite summer dessert.

Strawberries populate our grocery stores all year now, but, like tomatoes, they are really only worth tasting in summer. Strawberries are in season my area in May-June. This is when they yield to your bite with luscious sweetness backed by a tart finish. The texture, flavor, and color are captivating.

When the season peaks, I find myself thinking of all kinds of ways to use the sweet gorgeous berries. I add them, sliced, to salads. Puree them into a fun summer cocktail. Dice into my morning oatmeal (or yogurt). My favorite, however, is creamy, tantalizingly pink strawberry ice cream.

Because I rarely use just one flavor, I experimented with flavors that allow the strawberry to be the star of the show while adding interest, delight, and a worthy flavor companion to enhance the berry’s unique properties. My favorite result is this Strawberry Rose & Black Pepper Ice Cream.

Rose water, made from organic distilled roses, add a floral note that is beautiful with the tartness and sugar of the berry. Black pepper, well, who doesn’t love a little spice!

Rose water, like lavender, can overpower with just a touch too much. The perfect amount is when your guest says ‘what is that unique flavor? is it flowers?’ If they immediately say “wow, rose water!’ you may have too much. I tested the amount for this recipes (on myself and and others) and know this is the response you’ll get.

Edible rose petals are perfect for garnish on this ice cream (if you feel a need to dress it up; for a party, perhaps). They should be finely crushed with your fingers and sprinkled lightly on the top. Add some finely chopped pistachios for a full flavor experience.

This recipe begins with a good basic ice cream custard. This is my favorite recipe - just the right amount of egg and a great ratio of milk to cream. It results in a perfectly smooth, very creamy treat.

You can make a vegan version with my vegan custard base, inspired by Max at Serious Eats. The base is coconut milk. You will taste a slight hint of coconut, but it creates a very creamy ice cream. Many non-dairy alternatives result in a grainy texture that I find off-putting. Texture is as important as flavor in ice cream! Click here for the vegan custard, then follow the last steps of this recipe where you combine the fruit puree with the custard just before churning.

Yield: 2 Quarts (about 15 scoops)
Strawberry Rose & Black Pepper Ice Cream

Strawberry Rose & Black Pepper Ice Cream

( 0 reviews )
Prep time: 1 HourCook time: 12 MinInactive time: 4 HourTotal time: 5 H & 12 M
Ice cream is an iconic summer enjoyment. The ice cold on the palate on a hot summer day cools us down. Then the smooth creamy mouthfeel full of flavors of the season bring absolute delight to children and adults alike. I love making ice cream. The custard is a blank slate for creativity. Literally any flavor could be added a good basic custard to create a flavor-full masterpiece. Let your imagination go wild after trying this seasonal favorite.


Basic Ice Cream Custard
Strawberry Puree


Making the Strawberry Puree
  1. Trim and hull all of the berries
  2. Take 1 cup of berries and cut into very small pieces, not bigger than your pinky fingernail (large pieces will just get icy in your final product)
  3. Mix those small pieces of berry with the 1/2 sugar in a small bowl. Pour over the vodka and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate.
  4. Dump remaining hulled berries in a blender; add Black Pepper. Blend until completely smooth. Taste your puree at this point. Less ripe berries might need a bit more sugar.
  5. Strain through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl. Stir in the Rose Water. Cover and refrigerate.
Making the Custard Ice Cream Base
  1. Stir yolks and sugar together in a small bowl until well combined. Set aside.
  2. Prepare an ice bath: Add about 2 cups of ice cubes to a large bowl and into it nest a smaller bowl adequate to hold all of the custard. Set aside.
  3. Add milk and cream to a medium saucepan over medium heat.
  4. Add salt and stir until steam begins to release over the pot and tiny bubbles are just beginning to form around the edge. Remove from heat and slowly pour about 1/2 cup of cream into the egg/sugar mixture whisking vigorously. This will temper the eggs.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan containing the remaining milk/cream. Return to medium heat and simmer to 180º or until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon.
  6. NOTE: Whisk the custard slowly but constantly in this step and do not overcook. As soon as it begins to thicken a little, try the back of spoon method. The custard should not get to pudding thickness; it should still be quite loose, but slightly thickened. This will take approximately 8 minutes from the time you add the eggs.
  7. Pour the custard into the bowl resting in the ice. Stir occasionally until cooled down; about 15 minutes.
  8. Strain the custard through a fine mesh strainer into an airtight container. Refrigerate at least 4 hours (overnight is best).
Making the Ice Cream
  1. Remove the three bowls from the refrigerator: Macerated berries; berry puree; and custard
  2. Strain off the berry pieces from the macerating liquid.
  3. Stir macerated berries and puree into the custard. Stir or whisk until completely combined.
  4. Taste to see you want more Rose Water; this is where to add any flavor enhancement.
  5. Pour into your ice cream maker and churn according to those instructions.
  6. Spoon churned ice cream into an airtight container (but not before taking a sneak bite; who could resist!). Top with a piece of wax paper; add the container lid, and put in your freezer
  7. Remove from the freezer about 20 minutes before scooping to soften.
  8. To serve, garnish with crumbled dried rose petals and chopped roasted pistachios.
  9. Ice cream will keep in the freezer for about a month.


You can easily substitute and fruit or berry in this recipe. Some combinations I love are:

Blackberry and Cardamom

Raspberry and Ginger (use ground or fresh. If using fresh ginger, mince very finely)

Blackberry and Thyme

Cantaloup and Lime

Nutrition Facts





Sat. Fat






Net carbs










You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

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